About Us
We are the Lodge of Freemasons for Old Bedford Modernians and associated parties that has met at the school since 27th October 1931. Our history runs deep with the school with many past members being past pupils and teachers.
The lodge is open to any associated party of the school that includes fathers of pupils (male and female), teachers, office staff and suppliers.
The coat of arms in the centre, are one half of the arms of Sir William Harpur, founder of the school, the other half impaled ascribed to his wife Dame Alice. These arms are described as: “on a blue shield a broad gold band passes between three golden eagles with spread wings, and on the band is a blue fret with a small bird (martlet) on each side”. Sir William Harpur (1496-1573) came from a family of modest means and reputedly was sent to London to be apprenticed to a tailor. There he made his fortune in commerce, becoming in 1553 an Alderman for the Ward of Bridge Without and in 1561 Lord Mayor of London. In 1566, together with his wife Dame Alice, he endowed the Bedford Charity, which was later to become the Harpur Trust. A school was in existence prior to 1566, which became the Grammar school (Bedford School) and in 1764 the Writing school was established, subsequently being renamed Bedford Modern School in 1873.
Beneath the coat of arms a scroll is inscribed with the date of consecration, 27th October 1931. At the foot of the banner is the VSL open with the square and compasses overlaid. Above a scroll reads “Old Bedford Modernians” and in gold thread “Lodge No 5268”. From the ends of the scroll suspended by chains are two ‘pent alphas’. At the top of the banner the all seeing eye looks down.
We pride ourselves in our sponsorship of local charities and community. We support multiple worthy causes, we do not discriminate on any ground of race, gender nor religion, but help causes with charitable donations, volunteered time and other support as needed. Freemasons are the second largest donator to charity behind the National Lottery in England.