We welcome new members to our fraternity with open arms, regardless of race, gender, creed or religion. However being an affiliated school lodge there are certain criteria that must be adhered to when approaching to join our particular lodge.
You must therefore qualify for membership by having an ‘Association’ with Bedford Modern School, examples are listed below.
- Be at least 21 years of age (Unless the son of a mason where 18 qualifies).
- Pupil / Student
- Teacher (Past or Present)
- Supplier to the school (Past or Present)
- Have been, or are still employed at anytime by the school
- Parent of a child that attended / currently attends the school
- Close relation and or acquaintance of any of the aforementioned categories.
Do not worry if you do not fit the criteria above, please still contact us and we can point you in the direction of the Provincial Membership Officer who will be pleased to assist you in finding a number of potential lodges to join.
For female enquiries, or enquiries for mixed lodges, please see our section on ‘What is Freemasonry’ and follow the link to the local female Freemasons / mixed masons Lodges. We welcome all to our wonderful fraternity.